Contact Me

If you would like to book a service, request a free sample edit, propose a custom editing service, ask a question, leave a testimonial, or anything else, please email me at or use the form below to contact me.

If you are seeking to book one or more services, please include in your message:

  • The service(s) you would like to book

  • A brief description of your project, including project type (short story, novel, blog, website, etc.), genre, word count, and content warnings

  • Pertinent constraints, such as deadlines and budget

Note on confidentiality: I will keep any personal information you share with me in your query confidential. Writing (and talking about writing) can be vulnerable, and I value your trust. When it comes to the data Squarespace collects in support of web services, please see my privacy policy. Please also note that I will request to preview your project before we are under contract, as this is necessary to establish terms of the agreement, but I will not share the draft with others in any form.