Editing Services

I specialize in copy editing and proofreading. I also offer and greatly enjoy substantive editing (manuscript assessments and line editing). I am primarily seeking genre fiction projects, especially fantasy, romance, LGBTQ+, or all three combined. I also enjoy editing memoir, literary fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, instructional/self-help nonfiction, and professional writing, though I am always open to considering other projects. Don’t hesitate to ask me for a free sample edit if you’re wondering if we’re a good fit!


  • Genre fiction, especially fantasy, romance, LGBTQ+, spicy, or all of the above!

  • Literary fiction and creative nonfiction, especially memoir, short stories, and poetry

  • Instructional or self-help nonfiction, including books, articles, commentaries, essays, or personal blogs

  • Professional writing, such as newsletters, website copy, professional blogs, memos, emails, or notes

  • Educational writing, such as school website copy, curriculum, educational blogs, or professional development handouts and graphics

Editing Services

  • Manuscript Assessment: Big-picture feedback

  • Line Editing: Feedback on craft at a paragraph and sentence level

  • Copy Editing: Feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, and style

  • Proofreading: Corrections of page proof after formatting is complete

Note on Rates: All rates are confident estimates, but complex projects may necessitate a rate adjustment. I will usually request to see your manuscript or project before sending you a contract and finalizing the project cost. Additionally, I may recommend a different service than is requested.

Note on Confidentiality: I will keep any personal information you share with me while working together completely confidential. Writing (and talking about writing) can be vulnerable, and I value your trust.

Scroll down for details!

Manuscript Assessment

Short stories start at $100 per story

Fiction novels and memoirs start at $0.015/word

Nonfiction starts at $0.02/word

Service Description

If you have a full draft ready for big-picture feedback on what is working and what isn’t, getting an editorial assessment is the next step. For fiction and creative nonfiction projects, this service is called a manuscript assessment, and includes a chapter-by-chapter look at elements like:

  • Character development, motivation, and POV

  • Internal and external conflicts

  • Plot and structure

  • Overall consistency

  • Readability and believability

  • Pacing

For other types of writing, I will give feedback on focus, organization, persuasiveness (if applicable), style, and other components, depending on the type of project.

I will provide feedback in the form of a lengthy editorial letter in which I analyze both the strengths of your writing and supply detailed suggestions for revision.

In-document comments are not included in this service, but specific passages will be referenced in the letter.

Deliverables and Discounts

  • Detailed editorial letter (for novel-length works, ≥ 8 pages)

  • 20% discount on one consultation regarding this project

  • 50% discount on review pass (if scheduled before service begins)


Short works: one week from service start date (book in advance!)

Book-length works: two–three weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Payment and Scheduling Conditions

Clients who opt for a discounted consultation must schedule at least one week in advance to ensure availability and no later than two weeks after project completion. A deposit of 20-50% of the total project cost is due prior to the service start date, depending on the length of the project. The remaining cost will be due in one or more installments, usually paid before service completion. Surcharges for extra consultations and/or passes requested by the client after service has begun are due no later than fifteen business days after the invoice is received. The added review pass must be scheduled before service begins in order to qualify for the discount. Invoices will be sent via email, and payments will be accepted via PayPal. Payment refunds are subject to the language of the service agreement signed by both parties before work begins.

Line Editing

Short stories start at $120 per story

Fiction starts at $0.03/word

Memoir and literary fiction start at $0.035/word

Nonfiction starts at $0.04/word

Service Description

If the content and structure of your project are solidified, line editing is next. As the name implies, this type of editing addresses your writing technique line by line. As your line editor, I will slow down and analyze each sentence to ensure your writing is both effective and accessible, shaping elements of writing craft such as:

  • Word choice

  • Sentence structure

  • Sequencing of actions/ideas

  • Pacing

  • Showing vs. telling

  • Emotional impact

  • Character dialogue (fiction)

I will provide feedback through redlining and in-document comments via Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature, and I will supplement that feedback with an edit letter. All feedback will include substantial and specific positive feedback, because precise praise is not just a matter of morale; in fact, it can be just as helpful as critique because it tells you what to keep (and even do more of).

I will not give feedback on overall plot, character, and structure (see my manuscript assessment service above). I will also not focus heavily on grammar, conform the text to the Chicago style guide, or fact-check your work (see my copy editing service below).

Deliverables and Discounts

  • Redlined manuscript with substantive markups and comments

  • Detailed editorial letter

  • 20% discount on one consultation regarding this project

  • 50% discount on review pass (if scheduled before service begins)


Short works: two weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Book-length works: three–four weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Payment and Scheduling Conditions

Clients who opt for a discounted consultation must schedule at least one week in advance to ensure availability and no later than two weeks after project completion. A deposit of 20-50% of the total project cost is due prior to the service start date, depending on the length of the project. The remaining cost will be due in one or more installments, usually paid before service completion. Surcharges for extra consultations and/or passes requested by the client after service has begun are due no later than fifteen business days after the invoice is received. The added review pass must be scheduled before service begins in order to qualify for the discount. Invoices will be sent via email, and payments will be accepted via PayPal. Payment refunds are subject to the language of the service agreement signed by both parties before work begins.

Copy Editing

Short stories start at $100 per story

Fiction starts at $0.025/word

Memoir and literary fiction start at $0.03/word

Nonfiction starts at $0.035/word

Service Description

If the structure, content, and craft of your project are finalized, it’s time to clean up the nitty gritty mechanics. Copy editing focuses on the 5 Cs: “Clarity, coherency, consistency, and correctness—in service of the ‘Cardinal C’: communication.” ¹ As your copy editor, I will concern myself with the following elements:

  • Grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling

  • Inconsistencies

  • Unclear meaning and convoluted wording

  • Adherence to The Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

  • Routine fact-checking

  • Creation of an editorial style sheet

While Chicago style covers many rules, there are still countless acceptable variants in spelling and formatting, so I create an editorial style sheet to ensure the project’s internal consistency as I work. Some examples of style sheet entries are: Fifty-Fourth Avenue vs. 54th Ave., 7:00 a.m. vs. seven in the morning, versus vs. vs., gray vs. grey, copyedit vs. copy edit, and flashbacks in italics vs. flashbacks indicated through a change in tense.

I will provide feedback through redlining and in-document comments via Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature, and I will supplement that feedback with a cover letter to help you navigate the feedback.

Unlike with manuscript assessment and line editing, I do not aim to improve your content or perfect your craft as part of this service, nor do I provide specific positive feedback (unless I just can’t help myself). My copy editing service focuses only on clarity and correctness. This service also does not include legal review, permissions editing, or research beyond brief internet searches. The project will need to be proofread before final publication, preferably after being formatted (see proofreading service below).

  1. Amy Einsohn, The Copyeditor’s Handbook (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000), 3.

Deliverables and Discounts

  • Redlined manuscript with moderate markups and comments

  • Editorial style sheet

  • 20% discount on one consultation regarding this project

  • 50% discount on review pass (if scheduled before service begins)


Short works: two weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Book-length works: three–four weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Payment and Scheduling Conditions

Clients who opt for a discounted consultation must schedule at least one week in advance to ensure availability and no later than two weeks after project completion. A deposit of 20-50% of the total project cost is due prior to the service start date, depending on the length of the project. The remaining cost will be due in one or more installments, usually paid before service completion. Surcharges for extra consultations and/or passes requested by the client after service has begun are due no later than fifteen business days after the invoice is received. The added review pass must be scheduled before service begins in order to qualify for the discount. Invoices will be sent via email, and payments will be accepted via PayPal. Payment refunds are subject to the language of the service agreement signed by both parties before work begins.


Fiction starts at $0.015/word

Memoir starts at $0.02/word

Nonfiction starts at $0.025/word

Service Description

Once your project has been edited and formatted to the point that it is ready for publication, proofreading is a critical final stage. Maybe you have received physical proofs from your press, or perhaps you have a digital product about to launch—either way, errors can be missed during initial rounds of editing, and new errors can be introduced during formatting.

As your proofreader, I will correct errors that were missed during the copy editing stage as well as formatting inconsistencies.

Corrections will be marked in handwritten proofs using traditional proofreading marks and short queries in red pen. Otherwise, corrections will be marked digitally in the PDF. Either way, I will provide a key to help you understand any unfamiliar vocabulary or markings.

This service does not include feedback on technique, content-related suggestions, or revisions of convoluted wording. For novels, I prefer that you provide me with a style sheet from your copy editor. If your project is a book and you don’t yet have a style sheet, you may want to consider my copy editing service instead to ensure internal consistency.

Deliverables and Discounts

  • Corrected proof (hard copy or PDF)

  • 20% discount on one consultation regarding this project


Short works: one week from service start date (book in advance!)

Book-length works: two weeks from service start date (book in advance!)

Payment and Scheduling Conditions

Clients who opt for a discounted consultation must schedule at least one week in advance to ensure availability and no later than two weeks after project completion. A deposit of 20-50% of the total project cost is due prior to the service start date, depending on the length of the project. The remaining cost will be due in one or more installments, usually paid before service completion. Surcharges for extra consultations and/or passes requested by the client after service has begun are due no later than fifteen business days after the invoice is received. Invoices will be sent via email, and payments will be accepted via PayPal. Payment refunds are subject to the language of the service agreement signed by both parties before work begins.

Custom Service Package

Are you in need of more than one type of service for your project? Contact me for more information on combining services. Possible perks include:

Reduced rates on editing passes

Complimentary or discounted consultations

An ongoing, shared language of feedback

A big caveat: it’s wise to hire different editors throughout the book editing process. Someone who works with you on substantive editing will be less likely to catch technical errors in the copy editing stage, and your copy editor won’t have fresh eyes for a proofread. That being said, there are still valid combinations of services. Some examples:

Manuscript assessment + line edit

Heavy copy edit (overlaps with line editing)

Line edit + review pass

Copy edit + review pass

Any service + coaching

Any service + virtual assistance